Project4 – Headphone process 1

Preparation of meterials

Cooper wires / finish washers / cutter / glue gun / helmet


The headphone I chose for this project is a helmet headphone that people can hear wind sound outside. Iowa is such a place having strong wind, which leads lots of tornados. Also, in Ames, there are couples of wind power plants to get power from the strong wind. What is the wind sound? My question was started from this question. How I could gather wind sound.

I chose a helmet for the project to accumulate the wind sound. The problem what I am concerning is the size of helmet and a space inside that allows sound circulate in it. I will penetrate wholes with an electronic cutter and finish it with glue gun.

In the first attempt, I need to discuss is that of a helmet design how it will be shown. I have to consider whether I will use original helmet or manipulate it with another materials. I want to show it with natural feeling and cuppers, should be covered with other materials to conceal metal appearance.

Second, covering of ears. Ears need to cover with another materials since the helmet cannot cover all ears while wearing it. Now I am waiting a delivery of helmet. After receiving it, I will figure out what I need to do for a next step.

I searched a lot of materials I could use.


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